View Full Version : Sand Filter & Pump Motor

06-19-2006, 05:32 PM
I'm learning what I can about taking care of my pool. I have an inground 25-30,000 gallon pool. My pump motor is 2hp full rated and I have a Pentair Triton 100 sand filter with 600lbs of sand. Is the motor sized correctly for my Filter?

Thanks, Jack

06-19-2006, 05:42 PM
Hi, Jack,

Short answer...No. A full-rated 2hp pump on a typical pool will push a lot of water. Without seeing the pump curve and asking about your set-up, I can't tell you exactly how much.

However, I am pretty sure it is higher than the 100gpm your TR-100 is rated. The pump should always be producing less GPM than the filter's capacity....I'm sure yours is producing more.

The filter is nicely sized for your pool, but a full rated 1hp would be a better match.

06-19-2006, 05:52 PM

How would that affect the filter's performance? I was thinking I needed a de filter because my water is pretty clear down to the top of 3rd step but after that not too clear. Now maybe just a smaller motor would give me better results?

06-19-2006, 06:07 PM
Hi, again, Jack,

Well, the 1hp pump would save a little energy cost but I don't think it would clear your pool.

99% of water clarity issues on this forum are from a lack of chlorine. I am guessing that is your issue, too.

The only way we can do anything but guess at your problem is to post a full set of test results.


If those don't make sense, post back and we'll get you some explanations.

06-19-2006, 06:20 PM

I just found a pump curve for a good, full-rated 2hp pump. Using a typical TDH of 50 for your pool (it could be more or less), you're pushing 130-140 gpm thru a filter only rated for 100gpm.

06-20-2006, 09:13 AM
OK great this is all great information for me to digest.
Without changing the pump can't I put a 1.5 hp impeller on my StayRite pump. Maybe change the pump later. More torque but less water throughput and less money for now.

My Chemical levels are ( from a 6 way strip)
TH 400
FC 2
PH 7.5
TA 80
CYA 30-50

Thia is a salt water pool with a Goldline Controls system.

Thanks JK

06-20-2006, 10:29 AM

Changing the impeller is a good idea......I think.....I have no personal experience. I would get the tech support folks to walk me thru it. Sounds like plan to me, tho.

I,m gonna' PM you about your water condition late this evening....I'm out of town right now and have to get off this computer.

06-20-2006, 11:28 AM
You could also buy a smaller pump and sell the 2hp pump on Ebay. I did that with mine and ended up spending a total of $15.00 dollars on my new pump.