All the Chlorine Alternatives (that I've heard about)
( currently, this is just a reminder to me of what I NEED to write . . . July 2018)
System characteristics:Non-sanitizer effects___________________________________________Oxidizer - Chemically destroys (burns up!) dirt & wastesSanitation
Residual - Present in pool, not just reactor chamberVirucide - kills virusesAesthetic effects
Bactericide - kills bacteria
Amoebicide - kills amoeba & protozoa
Anthelmintic - kills parasitic worms
Algaecide- kills algae
Negative effectsCorrosion - causes or accelerates damage to metals
Staining - causes stains
Hair color - colors hair
Allergies - allergic reactions possible
Sensitivities - hypersensitivity reactions possible
By-products - irritating or problematic byproducts
Toxicity - toxic to humans . . . at levels found IN pools.
In no particular order . . .
Ozone___________________________________________Oxygen gas has two oxygen atoms in each molecule; ozone has three. Contrary to what pool owners think, ozone is MORE toxic than chlorine gas! Effective systems, used on public US aquariums, and on German swimming pools are VERY expensive and require continuous attention by trained operators to avoid dangerous gas releases. By contrast, US swimming pool systems are intrinsically safe because they produce so little ozone, they can't hurt anyone . . . or anything!Oxone (potassium monopersulfate)
Apart from that, ozone is NOT a residual sanitizer -- there is NONE in the pool, even in Germany -- but it is BETTER than chlorine at killing most pathogens IF you can manage to bring them into contact with the ozone. It is also a very good oxidizer, but ONLY IF you have enough to be effective . . . and dangerous. But it's not an algaecide.DuPont's Ozone aka MPS is an oxidizer, weaker and much more expensive than chlorine. It is not a sanitizer. It is not an algaecide. I've tried it. I've researched it. And there is NO actual evidence that anyone can find that it -- in actual pools -- does ANYTHING better than chlorine.Hydrogen peroxide
As far as I can tell, it is PURELY an example of the triumph of marketing over science and engineering.
Hydrogen peroxide + UV
Ozone + UV
UV (alone)
'Natural treatment'
'Salt' (as a non-chlorine treatment)
'Minerals' (copper, silver, zinc)
'Ionizers' (copper, copper + silver, zinc?)
Copper (copper sulfate; skimmer pills)
PHMB (Baquacil, Softswim, Revacil, ?)
Bromine (via sodium bromide)
Bromine (via BCDMH pills or tabs)
Last edited by PoolDoc; 06-30-2018 at 07:01 PM.
PoolDoc / Ben