Hello everyone. I stumbled upon this website recently and found a lot of great information. I'm still learning how to properly maintain my pool, and feel like I've been given wrong advice so far. I recently got my water tested at Leslies and got the following results:
Free Available Chlorine - 0 ppm
Total Available Chlorine - 0 ppm
Cyanuric Acid - 120 ppm
Alkalinity - 90 ppm
pH - 7.4
Copper - 0ppm
Iron - 0ppm
Total Dissolved Solids - 2100
Phopshates - 1000 ppm
I completely emptied out the pool and changed the sand filter in the summer of 2017. My pool currently looks clear, but there are a few algea spots on the walls and floor. I have a pebble tec pool, 10,000 gallons.
I was given the advice of filling up my pool tablet floater to the rim of tabs, which from what I've learned, resulted in my high CYA. I have since stopped doing that.
Any advice would be appreciated to get my pool where it needs to be. Thank you