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Thread: Switching from Chlorine to Salt

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    Pool Master Guest

    Default Re: Switching from Chlorine to Salt

    Quote Originally Posted by Torontonian View Post
    "the right way of doing the pool"? Wow, if Chlorine was oil, you sound like Exxon.

    Once you swim in a salt water pool, you will wish you switched the first day you got the pool.
    Sorry you took my post the wrong way. I can understand though because most of you have never experienced "the right way of doing the pool" I may have worded this wrong considering no one knows who I am and that this was my first post. I know there are a number of ways to chlorinate pools, and many do not have as many options as others. Here in the pool capitol of the world there are many options and I have seen and tried them all. Before everyone gets upset I just have a couple questions. How many of you have ever tried using PURE chlorine? How many of you know what PURE chlorine is? I am not talking about Sodium hypochlorite, Trichlor, Tablets, etc..... I am talking about what the swg is making. Would you all agree that if you allready have what the swg is making (when it works) then you have PURE chlorine? My whole point is this .....When PURE chlorine is availible, why wouldn't it be better and more cost effective than a swg?

    I will agree that if PURE chlorine is not availible then a swg is the best alternative.

    If you all keep an open mind here, we may teach each other a few things.

    Quote Originally Posted by Poolsean View Post
    Thanks Torontonian...well said.

    Pool Master, are you in the pool service industry by any chance?

    First, most do not taste the salinity in the water. AND BY NO MEANS IS IT SEA WATER concentration (as implied by your "YUK" response). Most will comment that the salt water feels better on their skin than a non salted pool. Although some will also say that they don't feel a difference.

    There are different types of systems, depending on if you're looking for basic salt chlorinators, inbetween, or bells and whistles (automation with regards to your chlorine and pH levels; pump control; remote interface, etc).
    Then you have several model cells to choose from, within each manufacturer's offerings. The larger the cell, the more chlorine you can produce and the longer the cell will last. There is a cost with replacement cells when they wear out. Typically this is around 10,000 hours of operation. For So Florida and our 12 month seasons, this is about 3-5 years...I live in Coral Springs, FL.

    Other than the initial cost of the system, your ongoing cost is very inexpensive. Replenish the salt and stabilizer when levels drop, which would be due to water loss from bather splashout, bathing suit dragout, filter backwashing (if you have a DE or Sand filter), rain fall overflow, and leaks. On a residential pool, this may be 2 -3 bags a year of salt. A bag of salt is anywhere from $5 - $10.

    What's needed to convert your chlorine pool? Add the salt clorine generator equipment and salt directly into the pool. Depending on what your current salt level is (which may already have salt from bleach (sodium hypochlorite) usage. If your pool is new, or freshly refilled water, 50 lbs/2000 gallons gets you to 3000 ppm. This is the typical salt level for most systems offered in the US. Imported Australian systems run a bit higher in salinity.
    You will still need to test your chlorine and pH levels, and adjust them as needed.

    As stated, using a salt chlorine generator does not make your pool a salt pool, or a chlorine free pool. You're simply making your own chlorine, on site, and eliminating the need to have to run to the store to pick up chemicals week after week. It also creates a big convenience factor to maintaining your pool, giving you more time to enjoy it.

    I DO WORK FOR AUTOPILOT CHLORINE GENERATOR SYSTEMS,, so you can take my response with a "grain of salt" as a salt industry rep.
    Hope I've been unbiased.
    Yes, I am in the pool industry. You say "most do not taste the salinity in the water." keyword is "most"
    Sorry , but I can. I will agree that a swg pool will feel better than a pool with soft water.
    "On a residential pool, this may be 2 -3 bags a year of salt. A bag of salt is anywhere from $5 - $10."
    This may be true in Toronto, Canada.... but not in a place like S. Florida. I keep all my salt pools at 3000 - 3500 ppm and use on average about 10 - 12 50 lb bags of salt per pool a year.

    Quote Originally Posted by JasonLion View Post
    I switched to a SWG a few years ago and love it. The "conversion" is simply installing the SWG and adding salt, done. I can even use bleach and turn off the SWG any time I want, and I do that when opening in the spring and when shocking the pool (which isn't often). Other than using the SWG to produce chlorine, I'm BBB all the way.

    I've done comparisons of the total costs of the SWG vs bleach and they all come out more or less even. Depending on what you count as part of the SWG expenses, and what you don't count, it can go either way. Having a SWG is way less work and it makes going away for the weekend much simpler. I'd be willing to pay more for that, but I don't have to.
    "Depending on what you count as part of the SWG expenses"
    I am really not trying to sound abrasive but why wouldn't you count ALL of the SWG expenses? All equipment, installation and maintenance/replacement cost?
    Quote Originally Posted by CarlD View Post

    You are entitled to your opinions but please do not state them as facts. You may wish to argue these points in "The China Shop"--that's what it's there for.

    I have done the same arithmetic as you regarding the cost of installing an SWG system and came to a similar conclusion: That I could not justify the cost of the system.

    HOWEVER, many, many of our members have them and love them and, for them, the CONVENIENCE is well-worth the cost. Nor have they complained about the salt in the water creating any problem. Your statement about that is simply inaccurate. Correct salt levels for SWGs do not create a salty taste or leave you feeling briny the way sea water does.

    Since Salt Water Generators generate chlorine they are well within what we, at Pool Forum, consider "the right way of doing the pool". I would never state that using an SWG is "wrong" or a "bad" way to maintain a pool. There is nothing about an SWG that is incompatible with our philosophy expressed as the B-B-B method of pool maintenance.
    I never said it was like sea water. But I will say this again, I can taste, feel and even see the salt at night with the pool light on.

    Quote Originally Posted by waterbear View Post

    As usual you have been completely unbiased, IMHO!
    Quote Originally Posted by Pool Master View Post
    Your pool will be a "Chlorine pool" even if you decide to get a salt generator. A salt generator converts salt into chlorine. You could buy A LOT of chlorine for the price of the generator alone. Then figure in the cost of installation and you could have enough money invested that you could have paid for a top notch service for a couple of years or do it yourself and save even more. You also have to remember that the salt cost money and is close to the same amount if not more than using chlorine. I would never recommend a salt generator mainly because now you swim in salt water (YUK) which you can taste and feel on your skin. And it is NOT cost effective at all. My advice is spend some money on a big DE filter and have the best water around!

    my answers to your questions.....

    1. Yes there are different generators and I am sure there are some that last longer than others or some that outperform others. But, they are all expensive and they all break at some point.

    2. I have seen a few switch to salt generators. They spent big money buying the equipment and having it installed. Then when they broke they either paid big money AGAIN or went back to the right way of doing the pool.
    I have to go do 37 beautiful pools today so I will leave you with this......

    A swg is trying to make (on a much much smaller scale) what I allready have. Sean If you do not believe me I will be in Coral Springs on Friday and would love to show you and talk pools.
    Last edited by Pool Master; 06-01-2010 at 10:41 AM.

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